记者: strong > 今晚,你们助攻和进球比率极高——31次进球伴随着25次助攻,你多久没见过如此传球表现? p > < p >< strong > 科尔: strong > 确实已有一段时间未曾目睹,但这与整场比赛状况息息相关。一切都是相互关联,当我们做好防守并抢下篮板,自然能够打出快攻。而且即使是在投篮命中的情况下保持推进速度,也至关重要。我觉得德雷蒙德在这一点上做得非常好,他一直维持着比赛节奏,并鼓励队友积极跑动展开攻击。 p > < p >< strong > 记 者 : 如果今 晚 有 一 件事 能够 解 锁 您 的 攻 击 ,您 会认 为 是 防 守 吗 ? 强>
Cole:I don't think it's a single factor, but rather everything we saw tonight working together. Active defense, fast-paced play and sharing the ball are all part of our developmental formula. I really like the current rotation lineup. Dennis (Schroder) is an excellent one-on-one defender who can guard players like Maxey from the start, which is a huge advantage for us. He's not only set the tone on defense but has also excelled at pushing upcourt.
This adjustment requires him to adapt quickly since he joined mid-season without going through training camp—it's challenging for anyone. But it seems he's gradually getting used to our style of play; his performance in perimeter defense has been game-changing and gives us better matchups against other teams.
< P >< STRONG >& # x8 C9 ; & gt ; : & nbsp;斯蒂芬 超越迈克尔 - 乔丹 成为35岁以上 后卫 中30+ 得分 场 次 最多 的 球员 。作为 后卫 在 职业生涯 的这个阶段 打 出这样的 表现 有 多难?</Strong></span> P > < P >< Strong > 科 尔: 我 想 ,斯 蒂 芬最被低估 的能力之一 就 是他的耐 力 和 出色 身体 状态。他多年 来 为此付出了很多努力 。看看 他加入 联盟头几年的照片,与现在 完全不像 一个 人。他不仅加强了自己的体 能,还 不断 提升 技术。在疲劳 时学会 如何打 球,不只是变 强壮、 更具 耐力,同时还能面对严密 防守 保持甚至提高 自己技术 水平,这真的 很不容易! P > < P > < P >< STRONG >& # x8 CC6F ; : 第 三 节的时候 ,您 本来计划把他 换下来吗 ?>< /強 > span > b> font >> :Yes,I originally planned to substitute him out,but Dennis asked,"Do you want me to give him another chance?"I replied,"Alright."So,Dennis stayed on court.I jokingly told Dennis,"If he misses,it’s your fault."Fortunately,Seth made that shot,and when we called timeout,we asked if he wanted to stay on or come off.He said,“No let’s finish.”
宮仲:S简u53BB;;C:**目前**本賽季初談過希望壓縮輪換陣容現在,看起來已經開始實現這個想法;是哪時候決定要這樣操作?.. . .. ... ....... .............<
The following content was omitted due to length constraints.