- 出场时间:90分钟
- 进球数:1
- 射门次数:3(其中射正:1)
- 尝试过人次数:8(成功:3)
- 丢失球权次数:14次
- 预期进球值: strong >0.72 li >
- < strong >错失进 球机会 : strong > 1 li >
- < strong >触 球 次 数 : str ong >66次 l i >
- < s trong >传 球 总 数 : st rong > 44次
s k ey pass: s t r o ng >> 3 . . ; : ; - , ( ) - . v h e a d fttt hrftf jrrr rtjv rthw mht nnnn nn yyyyn ddddr ddty xhhhhh tfyoo ffccc on the field. The meeting was held at the end of December, when many players were in their best form to prepare for Christmas and New Year celebrations. Thus, Sané's performance not only helped Bayern secure an important victory but also highlighted his growing importance within the team. p>