周四310 美职篮 金州勇士 VS 孟菲斯灰熊
时间:2024-12-20 09:00
当前战绩18胜9负,高居西部第2。他们平均每场能得到122.1分,同时失掉113.7分。在上一轮对湖人的较量中,以110比116遗憾落败。莫兰特交出了20 分、7 个篮板和6 次助攻的数据,而杰伦·杰克逊更是砍下25 分以及5 个籃板。目前,在过去12 场赛事中他们赢得了10 场,而且近七个主場全勝。本赛季常规赛期间, 灰熊在自家门口录得12 胜3 負,仅排于雷霆之后。不过莫兰特因背部酸痛可能缺席本仗,对此团队期待复仇,上一次两支球队相遇时,由于莫兰特未能参赛,全队防守虽好但仍以118比123告负,那一役库里的三项命中率都处于低位,是失败的重要原因之一。
- 近6 場對抗:灰熊3勝3負。
周四312 美职篮 洛杉矶快船VS达拉斯独行侠
< p > 时间:2024-12-20 09:30 p > < p >< strong > 客队洛杉矶快船 : strong > p > < p > 当前战绩15胜12负,目前排名西部第9 。 快船平均每局可以获得109 . 6 分,每局被进107 . 8 分 。 在最后一轮中的表现非常亮眼 , 主場144 -107 大获全胜爵士 , 終結三連敗 。 鲍威尔贡献29份 、 幸福19個籃版與祖巴茨一起合作默契 ,哈登則獲41點六幫手賽後成就職業生涯單節破二十+紀錄,再超越利拉德升至歷史第三名,只剩庫里(40) 和 科比 (36 )兩人高於他。同時 哈登 本賽季 效果卓著 平均22 .1 點 六 籃 山八 助 攻 是球隊進擊 的主要依托,他的一切表現都是關鍵所在。而且他的團體防禦效率聯盟內第五。不過 最近來看 他們外戰狀況堪忧,在去年的八组旅程当 中只收集到两个积分。同时 倫納 德已经参加训练,不过教练泰倫 · 卢确认不会连着三个客运返归。如果說是否會參加還要再考慮一下,那么邁爾即將回歸也是值得关注的问题. < P >< Strong > 主隊達拉斯獨行俠 : Strong > P >The Mavericks currently have a record of 17 wins and 9 losses, ranking fourth in the Western Conference with an average score of 119.5 points scored per game and allowing for an average loss of only112 .5 point s.In their last matchup against the Warriors they emerged victorious at140 to130 where Doncic had45points along with11 reboundsand13 assists while Irving contributed another23points leading them smoothly through this challenge recently winning eight outof thenine games played onthe court.Their home performance has been especially admirable as they’ve achievedfour consecutive victories.Furthermore,Klay Thompson's seamless integration into team dynamics is evidentwith his recent four-gameaverage reaching19..eight pointsalongsidea remarkable51%three-point shooting accuracy.Unfortunately,Doncic will miss the upcoming match due toa heel injurywhileIrving’s shoulder issue seems less concerning since hehas resumed training.His current season statistics show50 %shootingaccuracyaveragingapproximate24pointseachgame alongsidefiveassistswhichwill be crucialforMavs’ success withoutDoncic.On topof that,Hadi,Eksam,andBrandon Williams are confirmedas unavailabledueto injuries.
The historical head-to-head records indicate:
- In past six encounters,the Mavericks lead byFour winsagainsttwo defeats! li >
This article reflects solely personal opinions expressed by its author and does not represent any views heldby betting companies.Data presented herein shouldonlybeconsidered informative purposes.