- 数据统计:
- 山东(7-4):克里斯 25分8篮板;摩尔 26分4篮板6助攻;高诗岩 9分4篮板10助攻等。
- 福建(1-9):杨 42分5助攻;斯蒂尔16分6篮板等。
CBA继续进行,第十轮上广州与吉林展开较量。首节郭艾伦状态火热,一举帮助球队建立23:8的早期领先,并且全队首节砍下38分快速拉开比分。然而,即便第二季度吉林有所回暖,上半场仍以15 分之差入账。但随后的疯狂进攻使得广州再次将领先优势扩大至25+并保持直到终场哨响,实现大捷。
- 数据统计:
- 广州(4-7):郭艾伦32份7助5抢断、沃伦20份及道格拉斯均有不俗表现等。 \
- 吉林(5 -6):琼斯34份8 板以及姜伟泽21 助手也表现亮眼. li >
ul >
< p > < strong > 广厦103 比92 战 胜 广东 strong > p >
< p > 在本轮另一重要赛事由广厦主办对抗广东 ,此役前者面对强敌展现出色实力 。
开始之后胡明轩 投中的3个外线球为团队奠定基础 , 然而随后广厦迅速发力实现反超 . 上 半 场结束 时,它们已确立62 :50 的领跑. 易边再战, 尽管广东尝试缩小 差距但孙铭徽关键时候站出来延续着他们的先机。 最终结果:广厦成功拿下这场硬仗! P > < Ul > < Li >< Strong > 数据 : Strong > Li > < Li >& Nb sp ; 广东 (6 -5 ) : 任骏飞8 分 、 吉 倫 沃特23 分 等.& Lt;/Li& gt; < ; /Ul> ; & lt;p><stron g> 辽宁118 比112 击退 江苏</str on g></P>Liaoning welcomed Jiangsu to their home court for a high-stakes match where they were determined not only to maintain their winning streak but also to put an end to Jiangsu's misery of consecutive losses. The game started off rocky with Jackson from Jiangsu leading the charge however after some back and forths in scoring it was clear that both teams had plenty left in them as we approached halftime. At one point during this contest there seemed little hope left for either side until finally through sheer determination coupled alongside excellent teamwork provided by Frg led them into victory over opponents who have now lost eleven games consecutively. [Data]: Liaoning (9–2): Fergue scored incredible forty-two points while Wells added twenty-four more along with Zhao Jiwei contributing fifteen assists!JiangSu’s best showing came courtesy of Jack son hitting his mark thirty-five times throughout the evening despite being unable overcome earlier mistakes made early on which ultimately costed him dearly! Following these thrilling encounters across various arenas within C.B.A., fans eagerly await upcoming matches hoping each team will continue delivering exciting performances week after week!